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Top layer to make authentication, resource ownership and permission management fast, simple and easy. In summary, Ziggurat Foundations (Zigg), is a set of framework agnostic set of sqlalchemy classes, but most of the documentation refers to using it within pyramid. It is the perfect solution for handling complex login and user management systems, from e-commerce systems, to private intranets or large (and small) CMS systems. It can easily be extended to support any additional features you may need (explained further in the documentation)


Ziggurat Foundations aims to simplify user, permission and resource management, allowing you to concentrate on application development, as opposed to developing your own user and permission based models/code.

DOCUMENTATION: http://readthedocs.org/docs/ziggurat-foundations/en/latest/

BUG TRACKER: https://github.com/ergo/ziggurat_foundations

DOCUMENTATION REPO: https://github.com/ergo/ziggurat_foundations/tree/master/docs



By default ziggurat aims at postgresql 8.4+ (CTE support) as main RDBMS system, but currently everything except recursive queries(for optional resource tree structures) is tested using sqlite, and will run on other popular database systems including mysql. For other database systems that don’t support CTE’s fallbacks will be supplied.

Indices and tables